Contact Us
Our office hours are 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, though there is usually someone here to answer the phone from 7:30 am - 5:30 pm.
Copeland Technology Solutions
25 Hazelwood Drive, Suite 116
Buffalo, NY 14228
25 Hazelwood Drive, Suite 116
Buffalo, NY 14228

Staff Directory | Call (716) 692-7773
Mike Lobocchiaro | Ext. 317
Michael Bieger | Ext. 306
Rick Thompson | Ext. 304
Jake Winiarski | Ext. 320
Adam Hilton | Ext. 308
Ed Eardley | Ext. 312
Sofia Marra | Ext. 318
Katie Schleicher | Ext. 321
Eric Posa | Ext. 307
Kevin Hinkle | Ext. 311
Matt Vail | Ext. 310
Sarah Gidwitz | Ext. 305
Sue Schmitt | Ext. 309
Tom Idziak | Ext. 302